2019-12-27T23:10:05 Created temporary directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-9b9lmcwz 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Created temporary directory: /tmp/pip-req-tracker-tasaarzz 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Created requirements tracker '/tmp/pip-req-tracker-tasaarzz' 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Created temporary directory: /tmp/pip-wheel-md8p6570 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Collecting PEQNP==0.1.3 2019-12-27T23:10:05 1 location(s) to search for versions of PEQNP: 2019-12-27T23:10:05 * https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/ 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Getting page https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/ 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Analyzing links from page https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/ 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Skipping link https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/74/e9/4a23072b1d980a2db450e0e224573872e43ffebab9daf9397f289c957e25/PEQNP-0.0.b1-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl#sha256=2233ecf4fffa1dd2216960f73fd05460b44700769714a94627e1520471d7f98f (from https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/) (requires-python:>=3.7,<3.8); it is not compatible with this Python 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Skipping link https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/db/06/1934c76098aa9acbb46da3a93c2088d22af677b5ba8c734b70a07951e66d/PEQNP-0.0.b1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl#sha256=0c047f6081a5f9726f546f1b11e88eaa9e307a47ca82c4bdb55c13d81a4de5ee (from https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/) (requires-python:>=3.7,<3.8); it is not compatible with this Python 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Skipping link https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/4f/a4/e1c108e9d69e818740b49fe994724a5e5e8f32864790f2b556e919159ce1/PEQNP-0.0.b3-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl#sha256=354867f6041415593768333d15da988efb8aaf23ccc13f381e356ea752df837f (from https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/) (requires-python:>=3.6,<=3.8); it is not compatible with this Python 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Skipping link https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/a1/41/4808c8f9b9657c86cf85b9ec2321d2e3d398d8a43d4251c1f9efd1f90b86/PEQNP-0.1.0-cp36-cp36m-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl#sha256=32400791f08ddffd17c2cdea117cc2d4103dd25be2e54756ef7909ddce4f7773 (from https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/) (requires-python:>=3.6); it is not compatible with this Python 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Skipping link https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/2f/9e/95fe6e910b0b291195c4adae0ca5e2eb7e56973fd9eff2be017050c9507d/PEQNP-0.1.0-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl#sha256=b14368837b130b52e2d502a1af3f2ab4166a8692f245bbcfb023d4627c183ade (from https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/) (requires-python:>=3.6); it is not compatible with this Python 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Skipping link https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/81/ff/bbd3a1bfe09832c5e9ab7eed4fee6748529747de0b9890bd03eefe2acdaf/PEQNP-0.1.0-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl#sha256=5a46b66e588a14f0fa087694120956b444867168cd27c46220265f818b3b13c4 (from https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/) (requires-python:>=3.6); it is not compatible with this Python 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Skipping link https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/32/da/39ae2df6d2e494f7669a3a82eb5d8e00b3c8fd97b810eddfb2539211b0b3/PEQNP-0.1.0-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl#sha256=71b4c2c6d7bed40dd621baa976d8956211940d03d6c67dd772d296de0dd9ddfe (from https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/) (requires-python:>=3.6); it is not compatible with this Python 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Skipping link https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/21/62/4b2603edafc45f1f1495113c82055ce776515b0e497c021073443ba156f6/PEQNP-0.1.1-cp36-cp36m-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl#sha256=23d24d64bcfb768867c82efab8ad417ecef27452da68c85432f19f593f7b3387 (from https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/) (requires-python:>=3.6); it is not compatible with this Python 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Skipping link https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/c5/74/34d43bcc97547d87d584a1d89fe54e54a7fb3226b6e8712d4127d9afc455/PEQNP-0.1.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl#sha256=0f1b502ba54b12808ddd655e305ee9784bd709fb1ea06a211ae03a7b5a102985 (from https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/) (requires-python:>=3.6); it is not compatible with this Python 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Skipping link https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/04/f9/1965b67479248ecd8af709ec2f59740261cad43dcb03cad7a5bcbb5f4366/PEQNP-0.1.1-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl#sha256=e8cbdb750b015a23d7ed20c6651fe13d313d00392a4a36bb78fe378030a89b3d (from https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/) (requires-python:>=3.6); it is not compatible with this Python 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Skipping link https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/fe/fd/ec9e99b83990817cd25e23aa317476cf84b92cc3750cdc7b6cf4b8cfb2e0/PEQNP-0.1.1-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl#sha256=69c16179ea4096a56da020c58ef94ca9a2c0b0bb2ce978d68aa8ce76dc89d89c (from https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/) (requires-python:>=3.6); it is not compatible with this Python 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Found link https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/68/6f/f1c9dab8262b865122256629416f2d1827fc26ee143037f070cd4c8f3f88/PEQNP-0.1.2.tar.gz#sha256=92854f344436db708398f25dae14405562bf4d0f852aab390f2ac44926df5ef4 (from https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/), version: 0.1.2 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Found link https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/72/80/7676e5c33e914d43bb8bbca4742c429e7a30eb28af859284898079822acf/PEQNP-0.1.3.tar.gz#sha256=57cd59ca4aea5c06d1ea53a722b5a1d44d30ad0ea34ed4ac1ff4d272733a4884 (from https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/), version: 0.1.3 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Using version 0.1.3 (newest of versions: 0.1.3) 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Created temporary directory: /tmp/pip-unpack-ujweuput 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/72/80/7676e5c33e914d43bb8bbca4742c429e7a30eb28af859284898079822acf/PEQNP-0.1.3.tar.gz (49kB) 2019-12-27T23:10:05 Downloading from URL https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/72/80/7676e5c33e914d43bb8bbca4742c429e7a30eb28af859284898079822acf/PEQNP-0.1.3.tar.gz#sha256=57cd59ca4aea5c06d1ea53a722b5a1d44d30ad0ea34ed4ac1ff4d272733a4884 (from https://pypi.org/simple/peqnp/) 2019-12-27T23:10:06 Added PEQNP==0.1.3 from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/72/80/7676e5c33e914d43bb8bbca4742c429e7a30eb28af859284898079822acf/PEQNP-0.1.3.tar.gz#sha256=57cd59ca4aea5c06d1ea53a722b5a1d44d30ad0ea34ed4ac1ff4d272733a4884 to build tracker '/tmp/pip-req-tracker-tasaarzz' 2019-12-27T23:10:06 Running setup.py (path:/tmp/pip-wheel-md8p6570/PEQNP/setup.py) egg_info for package PEQNP 2019-12-27T23:10:06 Running command python setup.py egg_info 2019-12-27T23:10:07 running egg_info 2019-12-27T23:10:07 creating pip-egg-info/PEQNP.egg-info 2019-12-27T23:10:07 writing pip-egg-info/PEQNP.egg-info/PKG-INFO 2019-12-27T23:10:07 writing dependency_links to pip-egg-info/PEQNP.egg-info/dependency_links.txt 2019-12-27T23:10:07 writing top-level names to pip-egg-info/PEQNP.egg-info/top_level.txt 2019-12-27T23:10:07 writing manifest file 'pip-egg-info/PEQNP.egg-info/SOURCES.txt' 2019-12-27T23:10:08 reading manifest file 'pip-egg-info/PEQNP.egg-info/SOURCES.txt' 2019-12-27T23:10:08 writing manifest file 'pip-egg-info/PEQNP.egg-info/SOURCES.txt' 2019-12-27T23:10:08 Source in /tmp/pip-wheel-md8p6570/PEQNP has version 0.1.3, which satisfies requirement PEQNP==0.1.3 from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/72/80/7676e5c33e914d43bb8bbca4742c429e7a30eb28af859284898079822acf/PEQNP-0.1.3.tar.gz#sha256=57cd59ca4aea5c06d1ea53a722b5a1d44d30ad0ea34ed4ac1ff4d272733a4884 2019-12-27T23:10:08 Removed PEQNP==0.1.3 from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/72/80/7676e5c33e914d43bb8bbca4742c429e7a30eb28af859284898079822acf/PEQNP-0.1.3.tar.gz#sha256=57cd59ca4aea5c06d1ea53a722b5a1d44d30ad0ea34ed4ac1ff4d272733a4884 from build tracker '/tmp/pip-req-tracker-tasaarzz' 2019-12-27T23:10:08 Building wheels for collected packages: PEQNP 2019-12-27T23:10:08 Created temporary directory: /tmp/pip-wheel-u37y_bna 2019-12-27T23:10:08 Building wheel for PEQNP (setup.py): started 2019-12-27T23:10:08 Destination directory: /tmp/pip-wheel-u37y_bna 2019-12-27T23:10:08 Running command /usr/bin/python3 -u -c 'import setuptools, tokenize;__file__='"'"'/tmp/pip-wheel-md8p6570/PEQNP/setup.py'"'"';f=getattr(tokenize, '"'"'open'"'"', open)(__file__);code=f.read().replace('"'"'\r\n'"'"', '"'"'\n'"'"');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, '"'"'exec'"'"'))' bdist_wheel -d /tmp/pip-wheel-u37y_bna 2019-12-27T23:10:09 running bdist_wheel 2019-12-27T23:10:09 running build 2019-12-27T23:10:09 running build_py 2019-12-27T23:10:09 creating build 2019-12-27T23:10:09 creating build/lib.linux-armv7l-3.7 2019-12-27T23:10:09 creating build/lib.linux-armv7l-3.7/peqnp 2019-12-27T23:10:09 copying peqnp/stdlib.py -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-3.7/peqnp 2019-12-27T23:10:09 copying peqnp/__init__.py -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-3.7/peqnp 2019-12-27T23:10:09 copying peqnp/solver.py -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-3.7/peqnp 2019-12-27T23:10:09 copying peqnp/entity.py -> build/lib.linux-armv7l-3.7/peqnp 2019-12-27T23:10:09 running build_ext 2019-12-27T23:10:10 building 'slime' extension 2019-12-27T23:10:10 creating build/temp.linux-armv7l-3.7 2019-12-27T23:10:10 creating build/temp.linux-armv7l-3.7/src 2019-12-27T23:10:10 arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -pthread -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O2 -Wall -g -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fPIC -I. -Iinclude -I/usr/include/python3.7m -c src/SLIME.cc -o build/temp.linux-armv7l-3.7/src/SLIME.o -std=c++98 -Os -DNEDEBUG -g0 -Wno-reorder -Wno-unused-value 2019-12-27T23:10:11 In file included from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:11 from include/SLIME.h:14, 2019-12-27T23:10:11 from src/SLIME.cc:9: 2019-12-27T23:10:11 include/Solver.h: In member function ‘bool SLIME::Solver::locked(const SLIME::Clause&) const’: 2019-12-27T23:10:11 include/Solver.h:586:44: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:11 long i = c.size() != 2 ? 0 : (value(c[0]) == l_True ? 0 : 1); 2019-12-27T23:10:11 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:11 In file included from include/Dimacs.h:27, 2019-12-27T23:10:11 from include/SLIME.h:12, 2019-12-27T23:10:11 from src/SLIME.cc:9: 2019-12-27T23:10:11 include/SolverTypes.h:237:9: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int) const’ 2019-12-27T23:10:11 Lit operator[](long i) const { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:11 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:11 In file included from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:11 from include/SLIME.h:14, 2019-12-27T23:10:11 from src/SLIME.cc:9: 2019-12-27T23:10:11 include/Solver.h:586:44: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:11 long i = c.size() != 2 ? 0 : (value(c[0]) == l_True ? 0 : 1); 2019-12-27T23:10:11 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:11 In file included from src/SLIME.cc:9: 2019-12-27T23:10:11 include/SLIME.h: In function ‘PyObject* solve(PyObject*, PyObject*)’: 2019-12-27T23:10:11 include/SLIME.h:100:31: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:11 if (S->model[i] != l_Undef) { 2019-12-27T23:10:11 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:11 In file included from ./mtl/Alg.h:24, 2019-12-27T23:10:11 from include/SolverTypes.h:36, 2019-12-27T23:10:11 from include/Dimacs.h:27, 2019-12-27T23:10:11 from include/SLIME.h:12, 2019-12-27T23:10:11 from src/SLIME.cc:9: 2019-12-27T23:10:11 ./mtl/Vec.h:129:12: note: candidate 1: ‘T& SLIME::vec::operator[](long int) [with T = SLIME::lbool]’ 2019-12-27T23:10:11 T &operator[](long index) { return data[index]; } 2019-12-27T23:10:11 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:11 In file included from src/SLIME.cc:9: 2019-12-27T23:10:11 include/SLIME.h:100:31: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](SLIME::lbool*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:11 if (S->model[i] != l_Undef) { 2019-12-27T23:10:11 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:11 include/SLIME.h:101:77: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:11 PyList_SetItem(modelList, i, PyLong_FromLong((S->model[i] == l_True) ? +(i + 1) : -(i + 1))); 2019-12-27T23:10:11 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:11 In file included from ./mtl/Alg.h:24, 2019-12-27T23:10:11 from include/SolverTypes.h:36, 2019-12-27T23:10:11 from include/Dimacs.h:27, 2019-12-27T23:10:11 from include/SLIME.h:12, 2019-12-27T23:10:11 from src/SLIME.cc:9: 2019-12-27T23:10:11 ./mtl/Vec.h:129:12: note: candidate 1: ‘T& SLIME::vec::operator[](long int) [with T = SLIME::lbool]’ 2019-12-27T23:10:11 T &operator[](long index) { return data[index]; } 2019-12-27T23:10:11 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:11 In file included from src/SLIME.cc:9: 2019-12-27T23:10:11 include/SLIME.h:101:77: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](SLIME::lbool*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:11 PyList_SetItem(modelList, i, PyLong_FromLong((S->model[i] == l_True) ? +(i + 1) : -(i + 1))); 2019-12-27T23:10:11 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:12 arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -pthread -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O2 -Wall -g -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fPIC -I. -Iinclude -I/usr/include/python3.7m -c src/SimpSolver.cc -o build/temp.linux-armv7l-3.7/src/SimpSolver.o -std=c++98 -Os -DNEDEBUG -g0 -Wno-reorder -Wno-unused-value 2019-12-27T23:10:13 In file included from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:13 from src/SimpSolver.cc:34: 2019-12-27T23:10:13 include/Solver.h: In member function ‘bool SLIME::Solver::locked(const SLIME::Clause&) const’: 2019-12-27T23:10:13 include/Solver.h:586:44: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:13 long i = c.size() != 2 ? 0 : (value(c[0]) == l_True ? 0 : 1); 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:13 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:13 from src/SimpSolver.cc:34: 2019-12-27T23:10:13 include/SolverTypes.h:237:9: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int) const’ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 Lit operator[](long i) const { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 In file included from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:13 from src/SimpSolver.cc:34: 2019-12-27T23:10:13 include/Solver.h:586:44: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 long i = c.size() != 2 ? 0 : (value(c[0]) == l_True ? 0 : 1); 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 src/SimpSolver.cc: In member function ‘bool SLIME::SimpSolver::strengthenClause(SLIME::CRef, SLIME::Lit)’: 2019-12-27T23:10:13 src/SimpSolver.cc:219:39: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:13 return c.size() == 1 ? enqueue(c[0]) && propagate() == CRef_Undef : true; 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:13 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:13 from src/SimpSolver.cc:34: 2019-12-27T23:10:13 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 src/SimpSolver.cc:219:39: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 return c.size() == 1 ? enqueue(c[0]) && propagate() == CRef_Undef : true; 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 src/SimpSolver.cc: In member function ‘bool SLIME::SimpSolver::backwardSubsumptionCheck()’: 2019-12-27T23:10:13 src/SimpSolver.cc:346:33: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ca[bwdsub_tmpunit][0] = l; 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:13 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:13 from src/SimpSolver.cc:34: 2019-12-27T23:10:13 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 src/SimpSolver.cc:346:33: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ca[bwdsub_tmpunit][0] = l; 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 src/SimpSolver.cc:361:27: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:13 Var best = var(c[0]); 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:13 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:13 from src/SimpSolver.cc:34: 2019-12-27T23:10:13 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 src/SimpSolver.cc:361:27: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 Var best = var(c[0]); 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 In file included from ./mtl/Alg.h:24, 2019-12-27T23:10:13 from include/SolverTypes.h:36, 2019-12-27T23:10:13 from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:13 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:13 from src/SimpSolver.cc:34: 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ./mtl/Vec.h: In instantiation of ‘void SLIME::vec::capacity(long int) [with T = SLIME::vec]’: 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ./mtl/Vec.h:171:9: required from ‘void SLIME::vec::growTo(long int) [with T = SLIME::vec]’ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 include/SolverTypes.h:351:9: required from ‘void SLIME::OccLists::init(const Idx&) [with Idx = long int; Vec = SLIME::vec; Deleted = SLIME::SimpSolver::ClauseDeleted]’ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 src/SimpSolver.cc:71:22: required from here 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ./mtl/Vec.h:154:63: warning: ‘void* realloc(void*, size_t)’ moving an object of non-trivially copyable type ‘class SLIME::vec’; use ‘new’ and ‘delete’ instead [-Wclass-memaccess] 2019-12-27T23:10:13 if ((add > INT_MAX - cap) || (((data = (T *) ::realloc(data, (cap += add) * sizeof(T))) == NULL) && errno == ENOMEM)) 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ./mtl/Vec.h:38:11: note: ‘class SLIME::vec’ declared here 2019-12-27T23:10:13 class vec { 2019-12-27T23:10:13 ^~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:15 arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -pthread -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O2 -Wall -g -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fPIC -I. -Iinclude -I/usr/include/python3.7m -c src/Solver.cc -o build/temp.linux-armv7l-3.7/src/Solver.o -std=c++98 -Os -DNEDEBUG -g0 -Wno-reorder -Wno-unused-value 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/Solver.h: In member function ‘bool SLIME::Solver::locked(const SLIME::Clause&) const’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/Solver.h:586:44: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 long i = c.size() != 2 ? 0 : (value(c[0]) == l_True ? 0 : 1); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:237:9: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int) const’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit operator[](long i) const { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/Solver.h:586:44: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 long i = c.size() != 2 ? 0 : (value(c[0]) == l_True ? 0 : 1); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc: In member function ‘SLIME::CRef SLIME::Solver::simplePropagate()’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:163:20: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 if (c[0] == false_lit) 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:163:20: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 if (c[0] == false_lit) 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:164:20: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = false_lit; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:164:20: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = false_lit; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:164:27: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = false_lit; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:164:27: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = false_lit; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:164:33: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = false_lit; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:164:33: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = false_lit; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:171:28: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit first = c[0]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:171:28: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit first = c[0]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:188:28: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[1] = c[k]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:188:28: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[1] = c[k]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:190:37: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 watches[~c[1]].push(w); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:190:37: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 watches[~c[1]].push(w); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc: In member function ‘void SLIME::Solver::simpleAnalyze(SLIME::CRef, SLIME::vec&, SLIME::vec&, bool)’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:247:61: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 if (p != lit_Undef && c.size() == 2 && value(c[0]) == l_False) { 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:247:61: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 if (p != lit_Undef && c.size() == 2 && value(c[0]) == l_False) { 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:250:30: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit tmp = c[0]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:250:30: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit tmp = c[0]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:251:20: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:251:20: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:251:27: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:251:27: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:251:33: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:251:33: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc: In member function ‘bool SLIME::Solver::simplifyLearnt_core()’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:404:41: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 uncheckedEnqueue(c[0]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:404:41: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 uncheckedEnqueue(c[0]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc: In member function ‘bool SLIME::Solver::simplifyLearnt_tier2()’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:494:41: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 uncheckedEnqueue(c[0]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:494:41: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 uncheckedEnqueue(c[0]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc: In member function ‘bool SLIME::Solver::addClause_(SLIME::vec&)’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:621:30: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 uncheckedEnqueue(ps[0]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from ./mtl/Alg.h:24, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SolverTypes.h:36, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ./mtl/Vec.h:129:12: note: candidate 1: ‘T& SLIME::vec::operator[](long int) [with T = SLIME::Lit]’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 T &operator[](long index) { return data[index]; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:621:30: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 uncheckedEnqueue(ps[0]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc: In member function ‘void SLIME::Solver::attachClause(SLIME::CRef)’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:636:12: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ws[~c[0]].push(Watcher(cr, c[1])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:237:9: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int) const’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit operator[](long i) const { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:636:12: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ws[~c[0]].push(Watcher(cr, c[1])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:636:35: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ws[~c[0]].push(Watcher(cr, c[1])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:237:9: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int) const’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit operator[](long i) const { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:636:35: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ws[~c[0]].push(Watcher(cr, c[1])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:637:12: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ws[~c[1]].push(Watcher(cr, c[0])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:237:9: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int) const’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit operator[](long i) const { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:637:12: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ws[~c[1]].push(Watcher(cr, c[0])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:637:35: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ws[~c[1]].push(Watcher(cr, c[0])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:237:9: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int) const’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit operator[](long i) const { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:637:35: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ws[~c[1]].push(Watcher(cr, c[0])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc: In member function ‘void SLIME::Solver::detachClause(SLIME::CRef, bool)’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:650:23: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 remove(ws[~c[0]], Watcher(cr, c[1])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:237:9: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int) const’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit operator[](long i) const { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:650:23: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 remove(ws[~c[0]], Watcher(cr, c[1])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:650:42: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 remove(ws[~c[0]], Watcher(cr, c[1])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:237:9: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int) const’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit operator[](long i) const { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:650:42: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 remove(ws[~c[0]], Watcher(cr, c[1])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:651:23: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 remove(ws[~c[1]], Watcher(cr, c[0])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:237:9: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int) const’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit operator[](long i) const { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:651:23: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 remove(ws[~c[1]], Watcher(cr, c[0])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:651:42: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 remove(ws[~c[1]], Watcher(cr, c[0])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:237:9: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int) const’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit operator[](long i) const { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:651:42: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 remove(ws[~c[1]], Watcher(cr, c[0])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:654:23: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ws.smudge(~c[0]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:237:9: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int) const’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit operator[](long i) const { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:654:23: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ws.smudge(~c[0]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:655:23: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ws.smudge(~c[1]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:237:9: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int) const’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit operator[](long i) const { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:655:23: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ws.smudge(~c[1]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc: In member function ‘void SLIME::Solver::removeClause(SLIME::CRef)’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:684:42: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit implied = c.size() != 2 ? c[0] : (value(c[0]) == l_True ? c[0] : c[1]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:684:42: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit implied = c.size() != 2 ? c[0] : (value(c[0]) == l_True ? c[0] : c[1]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:684:56: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit implied = c.size() != 2 ? c[0] : (value(c[0]) == l_True ? c[0] : c[1]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:684:56: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit implied = c.size() != 2 ? c[0] : (value(c[0]) == l_True ? c[0] : c[1]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:684:74: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit implied = c.size() != 2 ? c[0] : (value(c[0]) == l_True ? c[0] : c[1]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:684:74: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit implied = c.size() != 2 ? c[0] : (value(c[0]) == l_True ? c[0] : c[1]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:684:81: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit implied = c.size() != 2 ? c[0] : (value(c[0]) == l_True ? c[0] : c[1]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:684:81: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit implied = c.size() != 2 ? c[0] : (value(c[0]) == l_True ? c[0] : c[1]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc: In member function ‘SLIME::Solver::ConflictData SLIME::Solver::FindConflictLevel(SLIME::CRef)’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:800:46: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 data.nHighestLevel = level(var(conflCls[0])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:800:46: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 data.nHighestLevel = level(var(conflCls[0])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:801:70: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 if (data.nHighestLevel == decisionLevel() && level(var(conflCls[1])) == decisionLevel()) { 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:801:70: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 if (data.nHighestLevel == decisionLevel() && level(var(conflCls[1])) == decisionLevel()) { 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:820:29: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 std::swap(conflCls[0], conflCls[highestId]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:820:29: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 std::swap(conflCls[0], conflCls[highestId]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:823:70: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 remove(ws[~conflCls[highestId]], Watcher(cind, conflCls[1])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:823:70: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 remove(ws[~conflCls[highestId]], Watcher(cind, conflCls[1])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:824:27: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ws[~conflCls[0]].push(Watcher(cind, conflCls[1])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:824:27: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ws[~conflCls[0]].push(Watcher(cind, conflCls[1])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:824:59: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ws[~conflCls[0]].push(Watcher(cind, conflCls[1])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:824:59: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ws[~conflCls[0]].push(Watcher(cind, conflCls[1])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc: In member function ‘void SLIME::Solver::analyze(SLIME::CRef, SLIME::vec&, long int&, long int&)’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:856:48: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 long nDecisionLevel = level(var(ca[confl][0])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:856:48: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 long nDecisionLevel = level(var(ca[confl][0])); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:864:57: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 if (p != lit_Undef && c.size() == 2 && value(c[0]) == l_False) { 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:864:57: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 if (p != lit_Undef && c.size() == 2 && value(c[0]) == l_False) { 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:866:26: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit tmp = c[0]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:866:26: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit tmp = c[0]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:867:16: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:867:16: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:867:23: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:867:23: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:867:29: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:867:29: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:923:17: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 out_learnt[0] = ~p; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from ./mtl/Alg.h:24, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SolverTypes.h:36, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ./mtl/Vec.h:129:12: note: candidate 1: ‘T& SLIME::vec::operator[](long int) [with T = SLIME::Lit]’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 T &operator[](long index) { return data[index]; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:923:17: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 out_learnt[0] = ~p; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:977:41: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 out_learnt[max_i] = out_learnt[1]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from ./mtl/Alg.h:24, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SolverTypes.h:36, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ./mtl/Vec.h:129:12: note: candidate 1: ‘T& SLIME::vec::operator[](long int) [with T = SLIME::Lit]’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 T &operator[](long index) { return data[index]; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:977:41: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 out_learnt[max_i] = out_learnt[1]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:978:21: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 out_learnt[1] = p; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from ./mtl/Alg.h:24, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SolverTypes.h:36, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ./mtl/Vec.h:129:12: note: candidate 1: ‘T& SLIME::vec::operator[](long int) [with T = SLIME::Lit]’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 T &operator[](long index) { return data[index]; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:978:21: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 out_learnt[1] = p; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc: In member function ‘bool SLIME::Solver::binResMinimize(SLIME::vec&)’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1020:55: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 const vec &ws = watches_bin[~out_learnt[0]]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from ./mtl/Alg.h:24, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SolverTypes.h:36, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ./mtl/Vec.h:129:12: note: candidate 1: ‘T& SLIME::vec::operator[](long int) [with T = SLIME::Lit]’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 T &operator[](long index) { return data[index]; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1020:55: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 const vec &ws = watches_bin[~out_learnt[0]]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc: In member function ‘bool SLIME::Solver::litRedundant(SLIME::Lit, long int)’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1055:39: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 if (c.size() == 2 && value(c[0]) == l_False) { 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1055:39: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 if (c.size() == 2 && value(c[0]) == l_False) { 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1057:26: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit tmp = c[0]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1057:26: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit tmp = c[0]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1058:16: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1058:16: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1058:23: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1058:23: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1058:29: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1058:29: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc: In member function ‘SLIME::CRef SLIME::Solver::propagate()’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1155:20: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 if (c[0] == false_lit) 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1155:20: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 if (c[0] == false_lit) 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1156:20: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = false_lit; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1156:20: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = false_lit; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1156:27: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = false_lit; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1156:27: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = false_lit; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1156:33: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = false_lit; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1156:33: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[0] = c[1], c[1] = false_lit; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1161:28: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit first = c[0]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1161:28: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit first = c[0]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1171:24: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[1] = c[k]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1171:24: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 c[1] = c[k]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1173:33: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 watches[~c[1]].push(w); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1173:33: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 watches[~c[1]].push(w); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1201:38: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 std::swap(c[1], c[nMaxInd]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1201:38: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 std::swap(c[1], c[nMaxInd]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1203:37: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 watches[~c[1]].push(w); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1203:37: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 watches[~c[1]].push(w); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc: In member function ‘void SLIME::Solver::safeRemoveSatisfied(SLIME::vec&, unsigned int)’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1291:22: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: ‘long int’ and ‘unsigned int’ [-Wsign-compare] 2019-12-27T23:10:17 if (c.mark() == valid_mark) { 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc: In member function ‘bool SLIME::Solver::collectFirstUIP(SLIME::CRef)’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1379:49: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 if (rc.size() == 2 && value(rc[0]) == l_False) { 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1379:49: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 if (rc.size() == 2 && value(rc[0]) == l_False) { 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1383:35: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit tmp = rc[0]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1383:35: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit tmp = rc[0]; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1384:25: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 rc[0] = rc[1], rc[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1384:25: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 rc[0] = rc[1], rc[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1384:33: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 rc[0] = rc[1], rc[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1384:33: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 rc[0] = rc[1], rc[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1384:40: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 rc[0] = rc[1], rc[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:236:10: note: candidate 1: ‘SLIME::Lit& SLIME::Clause::operator[](long int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 Lit &operator[](long i) { return data[i].lit; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1384:40: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](const SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 rc[0] = rc[1], rc[1] = tmp; 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc: In member function ‘SLIME::lbool SLIME::Solver::search(long int&)’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1517:49: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 uncheckedEnqueue(learnt_clause[0]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from ./mtl/Alg.h:24, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SolverTypes.h:36, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ./mtl/Vec.h:129:12: note: candidate 1: ‘T& SLIME::vec::operator[](long int) [with T = SLIME::Lit]’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 T &operator[](long index) { return data[index]; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1517:49: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 uncheckedEnqueue(learnt_clause[0]); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1533:49: warning: ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 uncheckedEnqueue(learnt_clause[0], backtrack_level, cr); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from ./mtl/Alg.h:24, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SolverTypes.h:36, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ./mtl/Vec.h:129:12: note: candidate 1: ‘T& SLIME::vec::operator[](long int) [with T = SLIME::Lit]’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 T &operator[](long index) { return data[index]; } 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:1533:49: note: candidate 2: ‘operator[](SLIME::Lit*, int)’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 uncheckedEnqueue(learnt_clause[0], backtrack_level, cr); 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 In file included from ./mtl/Alg.h:24, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SolverTypes.h:36, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/Solver.h:46, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from include/SimpSolver.h:34, 2019-12-27T23:10:17 from src/Solver.cc:36: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ./mtl/Vec.h: In instantiation of ‘void SLIME::vec::capacity(long int) [with T = SLIME::vec]’: 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ./mtl/Vec.h:171:9: required from ‘void SLIME::vec::growTo(long int) [with T = SLIME::vec]’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 include/SolverTypes.h:351:9: required from ‘void SLIME::OccLists::init(const Idx&) [with Idx = SLIME::Lit; Vec = SLIME::vec; Deleted = SLIME::Solver::WatcherDeleted]’ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 src/Solver.cc:549:37: required from here 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ./mtl/Vec.h:154:63: warning: ‘void* realloc(void*, size_t)’ moving an object of non-trivially copyable type ‘class SLIME::vec’; use ‘new’ and ‘delete’ instead [-Wclass-memaccess] 2019-12-27T23:10:17 if ((add > INT_MAX - cap) || (((data = (T *) ::realloc(data, (cap += add) * sizeof(T))) == NULL) && errno == ENOMEM)) 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ./mtl/Vec.h:38:11: note: ‘class SLIME::vec’ declared here 2019-12-27T23:10:17 class vec { 2019-12-27T23:10:17 ^~~ 2019-12-27T23:10:22 arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ -pthread -shared -Wl,-O1 -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,relro -g -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 build/temp.linux-armv7l-3.7/src/SLIME.o build/temp.linux-armv7l-3.7/src/SimpSolver.o build/temp.linux-armv7l-3.7/src/Solver.o -o build/lib.linux-armv7l-3.7/slime.cpython-37m-arm-linux-gnueabihf.so 2019-12-27T23:10:22 installing to build/bdist.linux-armv7l/wheel 2019-12-27T23:10:22 running install 2019-12-27T23:10:22 running install_lib 2019-12-27T23:10:22 creating build/bdist.linux-armv7l 2019-12-27T23:10:22 creating build/bdist.linux-armv7l/wheel 2019-12-27T23:10:22 creating build/bdist.linux-armv7l/wheel/peqnp 2019-12-27T23:10:22 copying build/lib.linux-armv7l-3.7/peqnp/stdlib.py -> build/bdist.linux-armv7l/wheel/peqnp 2019-12-27T23:10:22 copying build/lib.linux-armv7l-3.7/peqnp/__init__.py -> build/bdist.linux-armv7l/wheel/peqnp 2019-12-27T23:10:22 copying build/lib.linux-armv7l-3.7/peqnp/solver.py -> build/bdist.linux-armv7l/wheel/peqnp 2019-12-27T23:10:22 copying build/lib.linux-armv7l-3.7/peqnp/entity.py -> build/bdist.linux-armv7l/wheel/peqnp 2019-12-27T23:10:22 copying build/lib.linux-armv7l-3.7/slime.cpython-37m-arm-linux-gnueabihf.so -> build/bdist.linux-armv7l/wheel 2019-12-27T23:10:22 running install_egg_info 2019-12-27T23:10:22 running egg_info 2019-12-27T23:10:22 writing PEQNP.egg-info/PKG-INFO 2019-12-27T23:10:22 writing dependency_links to PEQNP.egg-info/dependency_links.txt 2019-12-27T23:10:22 writing top-level names to PEQNP.egg-info/top_level.txt 2019-12-27T23:10:22 reading manifest file 'PEQNP.egg-info/SOURCES.txt' 2019-12-27T23:10:22 writing manifest file 'PEQNP.egg-info/SOURCES.txt' 2019-12-27T23:10:22 Copying PEQNP.egg-info to build/bdist.linux-armv7l/wheel/PEQNP-0.1.3-py3.7.egg-info 2019-12-27T23:10:22 running install_scripts 2019-12-27T23:10:22 creating build/bdist.linux-armv7l/wheel/PEQNP-0.1.3.dist-info/WHEEL 2019-12-27T23:10:22 creating '/tmp/pip-wheel-u37y_bna/PEQNP-0.1.3-cp37-cp37m-linux_armv7l.whl' and adding 'build/bdist.linux-armv7l/wheel' to it 2019-12-27T23:10:22 adding 'slime.cpython-37m-arm-linux-gnueabihf.so' 2019-12-27T23:10:22 adding 'peqnp/__init__.py' 2019-12-27T23:10:22 adding 'peqnp/entity.py' 2019-12-27T23:10:22 adding 'peqnp/solver.py' 2019-12-27T23:10:22 adding 'peqnp/stdlib.py' 2019-12-27T23:10:22 adding 'PEQNP-0.1.3.dist-info/METADATA' 2019-12-27T23:10:22 adding 'PEQNP-0.1.3.dist-info/WHEEL' 2019-12-27T23:10:22 adding 'PEQNP-0.1.3.dist-info/top_level.txt' 2019-12-27T23:10:22 adding 'PEQNP-0.1.3.dist-info/RECORD' 2019-12-27T23:10:22 removing build/bdist.linux-armv7l/wheel 2019-12-27T23:10:23 Building wheel for PEQNP (setup.py): finished with status 'done' 2019-12-27T23:10:23 Stored in directory: /tmp/tmpksk7tdv4 2019-12-27T23:10:23 Successfully built PEQNP 2019-12-27T23:10:23 Cleaning up... 2019-12-27T23:10:23 Removing source in /tmp/pip-wheel-md8p6570/PEQNP 2019-12-27T23:10:23 Removed build tracker '/tmp/pip-req-tracker-tasaarzz'